How NOT to Approach A Guy In A Bar

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You know, I’m always hearing that guys like girls who come up to them and initiate conversation. Supposedly they are nervous, and they appreciate a woman who makes the first move. I am calling bullshit on that one. Very, very rarely have I seen making the first move be an effective strategy, but perhaps I’m just doing it wrong. Since I have yet to come up with a subtle, classy and sure-fire way to go up to a guy, I have compiled a list of ways not to do it.

Ladies, here is how not to approach a guy in a bar:

1. Hit him

I get a bit feisty after a long night, and from time to time, I seem to think hitting is appropriate behavior. On occasion, when I’ve seen a cute guy, I’ve given him what I considered a love pat (but what actually resembled a smack). Please note ladies, hitting him will get his attention — as well as his annoyance.

2. Ask him about his drink and or straw

Ok yea, so this is scraping the bottom of the barrel, but sometimes it’s the only thing I can come up with and hey, we are in a bar. Sadly, this never results in a stimulating conversation and it is extra awkward if what he is drinking is water.

3. Give him a high five

Why is this not an effective strategy? It’s like, “oh heyyyy how’s it going?! High five!” Often, the high five is returned, but as he keeps right on walking.

4. Asking him to take a photo 

Confession, I have tried this one a lot. In theory, it’s a great idea. As he looks through the lens he’ll notice your pretty little smile and he’ll just HAVE to know more about you. But in reality, most guys just seem to be annoyed that you are yet another girl, taking a picture in a bar.

5. Send a friend to go talk to him 

We all have those confident, “in-a-relationship” girlfriends who have absolutely no qualms about approaching a guy in a bar. And why would they? If they get rejected, they still have a warm body to go home to. While these fabulous friends may appear to be a natural solution to our nerves, this plan generally fails. I find that our “in-a- relationship” friends often use this time to validate that they’ve still got it, and occasionally, forget that they are supposed to be talking you up.

6. Mistake his identity 

You know what’s awkward? Going up to a guy you think you’ve met before and chatting him up, only to discover he is definitely not the person you thought. Bonus points if the person you thought he was is his brother — especially if you’ve dated them both. Not that I’ve done that or anything…

7. Ignore them/Don’t approach them at all

This one is usually my plan of action. It goes a little something like this, “Wow check out that cute guy. Maybe if I pay him absolutely no attention and just stand here looking pretty, he’ll come up and introduce himself.” WRONG. Usually one of two things happens. He either A. leaves the bar, sad that no cute girls came up to talk to him. Or B. leaves the bar with a skanky looking girl. Le sigh.

In truth, there really is no easy way to chat up an attractive man in a bar. Even a well executed plan can go south when you notice the wedding ring on his hand 30 mins into the conversation. LAME. But if  there is one tactic that I have found to have at least a semi-decent success rate, it would be what I like to call the “prolonged eye contact.” Sometimes guys just need to “catch you” looking at them to get the courage to come say hey. So next time you see a cutie at a bar, avoid the 7 awesome ideas I listed above and instead try a couple of quick looks, and if you are really daring, maybe even a smile. If nothing else, it should definitely  get you farther than hitting.

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